Lavoura Arcaica

This wound, this fester isn't
my fault nor is this thorn...

nor the mucus flowing through
from my pores!

I can't be blamed
for this cursed slime...

not for this blooming sun...
this crazed flame.
I can't be blamed for my delirium!

One bead on your rosary
for my passion!

Two beads for my testicles!
All the beads for my eyes!
Say ten rosaries for the
brother gone mad!

I'm bathed in spleen, Ana...
but I can still face your rejection.
I won't hide my smile...
if disease plagues
our herds and crops.

I'll turn my back as everyone
rushes around.

I'll cross my arms
when they ask for help...

cover my eyes to avoid their

turn a deaf ear to their cries...
I'll shrug if the house tumbles
to the ground.

I did not get what I wanted,
I'll have no pity for the world!

To love and to be loved
was all I asked...

but I was cast off unfairly.
I was amputated.
I'm now in the brotherhood
of rejects...

of the forbidden,
the unloved...

the afflicted,
the anxious...

the restless, the writhing...
of the brotherhood
of tainted foreheads...

bearing the ashen scar of
sacred envy...

of the thirsty for
equality and justice...

those who eventually
end up bowing to Evil!

His whispering forces us
against the current...

his harsh breath
scratches our ears.

Seducting us until we reject
the fragile solidity of order,
