All women are equal once
the candles are extinguished.
Yes, they're clear of mind.
The Indians slept with white men
and had children. We are equals.
That's said hasty.
It's a bit like with black men...
What do you think of it, Sardis?
Your bloodbrother must be a child of God.
You had him baptised?
-He didnt ask me.
Good. You follow times closely.
-Mani has his own believe.
He was somesort of priest in
his tribe.
Do Indians have priests?
They are lost.
What is their believe?
Every human has a conginial
with the animals. A totem
Nice, but i don't understand.
Would you mind?
Don't be afraid. It won't hurt.
Kariboe... thats somekind of
Yes, a deer. What do you think?
Am I a deer by the horns or
by somebody else?
And my dear Thomas? What is his..
A book-worm.
A snake?
With the Indians,
Snakes stand for wisdom
Wise snake.
And you, mylord Intendant?
A pig.
Away with those wrinkles.
With those barbarians the pigs
may represent nobility.
Who is next? Sardis?
-No. No