The conspirators called themselves
the Wolves of God.
The Pact works for the Church.
Sardis only works for himself.
Truth made him mad.
And Rome has no control over
its organization.
And who do you work for?
I get payed to work
and also to deny i work.
And you? You know enough.
Miss de Morangias.
To what do i owe the honour?
How are you madame countess?
Be seated.
And your father ? Still on a diet?
He loves good food too much.
Mylord de Intandan, you had
Knight de Fronsac arrested.
Who would ever think that someone
like him could fall so low.
He's nor a bandit, nor a murderer.
-I see.
I'm sure he had his reasons.
Those men might have killed
that Indian.
That's not the point.
Even if it is so...
...a savage is not avanged
with the blood of christians.
I want to see him.
We'll see how they think about
that in Paris.
Marianne, you don't understand me.
Knight de Fronsac has...