he would've been hang.
Actually, he was lucky.
He was your responsability.
Maybe he choked.
Unless he caught a desease.
-Liar. You're all liars...
Be brave. It's God's will.
...come, i will bring you back to the castle.
-Miss de Morangias has to rest.
Come on...
Leave me.
-There's nothing more you can do.
He already smells bad.
Burry him quick.
And forget the name on his grave.
She threatened to warn the king.
She's dangerous...
Gregoire de Fronsac
was burried that night...
...even before the news of his death
reached Paris.
No one knew what secrets he
took with him into his grave.
A few days now, the Beast
has layed silent...
...but the sudden dissapearing
of his most fierce opponent...
...was a gloomy omen.
Hurry up.