Fat as a pig...
Jackques has seen many wolves.
What attacked him, was not a wolf.
The snout was longer and
the teeth were like knifes.
If it's not a wolf, what is it then?
A devil.
The Beast attacked a women in
Don't worry Knight, nobody is
What are they doing here?
Son of a whore.
Goodday, captain.
Sir Marquis.
I greet you. But be careful.
There are traps everywhere.
This is Gregoire de Fronsac,
of the garden of the King.
He wants to see the body of this
unlucky soul.
With your permission ofcourse.
You treated my men merciless
I did not know they were acting
in your command.
They were not.
You did good and I apoligize.
My soldiers are made for war,
not for hunting.
The intestines were emptied and now
there is poison in it.