He is in a good mood.
It's now or never.
But act like you don't know and
let him start talking about it.
Mrs. excuse me....
Aren't you ashamed?
-My God. No.
So, Mr. stuffer ... do you like
our region?
Until now i only saw beauties.
Or at least one of them.
Do people talk about girls
this way in the court?
No... Something like this you
should save for the innocent farmers.
I would go to the court if
there were women like you.
Food is being served, Knight.
Let's eat.
I'll follow you.
We were in Saint-Laurent for 12 days
already when we found the most..
..bizarre animal in our nets I ever saw
The indians told me about
holy fish...
...but I was convinced it
was a legend.
I saw a fish with the looks
and size of a trout.
...but it's body was completely covered
with a hairy skin as black as poison.
A hairy trout? You're joking.
-No, mylord.
Salmo Truta Dermopilla,
from Canada.
That is really strange.
-As soft as fur.
Nature is extraordinary.
The water will be cold...
It proves the impossible is
possible sometimes.
With this discovery you earned
a lot of respect.
I doubt he deserves that.
But I admit, Knight,
you got talent as an actor.
If I would have two hands,
I would give an applause.