Now, please.
Must I remind you:
this is a company photo!
So smile, look proud
to be part of this fine outfit!
The gentleman at bottom left.
With the red tie!
You`re not in frame.
I only see your arm.
Move over!
That`s fine.
Now l`ve lost
the guy on the right!
The zipper jacket`s in now!
But l`ve lost the red tie!
Are we going to get this picture?
The red tie`s still out!
We`ve wasted enough time!
Everyone look at me.
Were you drunk?
I`ve never had
a framing problem before!
I feel bad for the guy
in the red tie.
- Don`t: he`s being fired.
- Really?
He doesn`t know it yet,
but he`s out.
Poor guy.
No, he`s an idiot.