Le Placard

I want to know
who sent them, and why!

If only there was
an anonymous letter:

``Don`t fire Pignon!
We`ll tell the media

``you hate gays.``
But just these photos...

We`re not firing him
cause he`s gay!

But people will say that`s why!
I`ve got nothing against gays!
Damn that faggot!
What do we do?
Gentlemen. Good morning!
Before we get down to business,
I want you to see these.

They`re your sons.
Good looking boys!

No, the bareassed guy
is an accountant here.

Pass them around.
It`s Pignon!
- Who took them?
- I don`t know, but it`s hateful.

How surprising!
Not to me.
I tried him out at rugby.

You can spot them at once!
Broke his collarbone!
Had to give up pantyhose!

This is no joke. We have to solve
the Pignon problem.

We did. He`s being fired!
What do we make here, Santini?
- What kind of products?
- Products made of rubber.

What is our star item?
Con... Cond...?
If we fire him, we`ll have
every gay movement on our backs.

Better to have them
on your back than up...

What do you do Saturday nights?
I asked how you spend
Saturday nights. Gay bashing?
