Traffic was awful today.
And Paris traffic
can be really awful!
I`m glad you were let go...
- I mean, that it worked out.
- Thanks.
You`re good manpower.
Sorry about your mishap
at rugby.
I`ve forgotten it.
People think l`m just a big brute...
But l`m as sensitive
as the next guy.
I love rugby for the showers.
The showers?
Not the actual showers.
You can shower anywhere.
How can I put it?
A shower with a naked buddy.
Get me?
Sure you do.
You`re with a naked buddy
in the shower, soaping his...
Now what is it?
Picked a wine, sir?
Give me the wine-list!
Where was I?
Soaping your buddy in the shower.
I was?
Right, I was...