Le Placard

That`s easy for you to say.
What a dumb answer!
If you go,
you`ll become irreplaceable,
a kind of icon.

Yes, an icon.
In a parade of flamers!
Wearing a condom bonnet!
So what?
I`ll be a dickhead!
To you it`s funny:
screw your parade!

As you like.
I`m tired, l`m going to bed.

Sorry, I was tactless,
but l`m lost too...

More has happened in the last
few days than in my whole life.

Don`t exaggerate.
One co-worker undressed me,
another wanted me to move in,
then almost strangled me,

I got beat up in my garage,
next I parade with fags and dykes!
Need I say more?

Your life`s been very dull.
At last, you`re coming alive!

Don`t quit half way!
Good to see you,

- You OK, Dad?
- Fine. Come in, Frank.

Sit down, l`ve made you a snack.
