Excuse me for being
a bit rough earlier.
Forget it. Besides, I feel ugly today.
-No you're not. It's the light.
It's too harsh.
-No it's me.
As a boy, my son always asked me
what I did.
Since all fathers do something,
I said I made films.
Every year I thought, he's too young.
Next year I'll telI him.
And it went on...
Every year the same.
And one day he found out...
and he left home.
I never saw him again.
I don't think my parents
know about me.
We're shooting the final scene
with Jenny and Igor.
It's the scene where you are very,
very much in love.
Yeah, the last scene.
-The last scene.
We've got to move faster.
All he does is drink...
...coffee, smoke cigarettes,
he's thinking.
Yeah, we'll go faster.
What are we filming though?
Didn't I see a guy with a dress?
If we see you coming,
we don't have to hear you.
Same for the screams.
Hold back.
Something almost...mechanical.