l'd given up on you.
What's up? You look weird.
l'm hammered!
My uncles' pals got me drunk.
No shit?
l just puked.
- Why, what?
- Why'd you do that?
You wouldn't understand, shithead!
Getting wasted?
lt's how you become a man.
- You have to do a chick first.
- And get hammered.
You ain't done it.
Near as dammit.
You look a jerk with those!
l'm an lndian, you asshole!
You're the asshole!
You gonna do what's-her-name?
That's different. l don't love her.
You said you'd groped her breasts.
Still don't inhale?
Half the time. Depends...
You can't help talking crap,
can you?
l never see you.
You don't eat at the canteen.
l got no time.