lt's so boring in town.
Totally dead!
- You don't believe me?
- Not really.
You'll see. You better watch out.
l'm so scared!
Aurore said you wrote her a poem!
Thinks you're a jerk!
- Been to the castle?
- Yeah.
l doubt it, 'cause she loves me!
And Barbie?
lt's different.
When she puts her tongue in - gross!
So, give me one.
Screw your sister!
l haven't got one.
What a jerk. Go get your horse.
We'll go for a ride.
- Be right back.
- No hurry. Keep your hair on.
You bitch! C'mon!
Careful with your gun!... Your gun!
lt's OK.
Let's go to the river.
Yeah, if you like.
Let's go look at a porno mag!
A bone rag!
Bone rag!
Airplanes, airplanes
Make your eyes go up
Women, women
Make your cock go up
Up the ass, said the baroness
Seeing the baron's balls
I'd rather take it up the ass
Than see it hanging in the street!