Legally Blonde

I'm thinking like
a luau or casino night.

It'll be just like senior year
except funner.

Time to go.
I have to go to class...

but meet me after
on the benches.

All right, bye!
A legal education
means you will learn...

to speak in a new language.
You will be taught
to achieve insight...

into the world around you...
and to sharply question
what you know.

The seat you have picked
will be yours...

for the next nine months
of your life.

And those of you
in the front row...

"The law is reason
free from passion."

Does anyone know
who spoke those immortal words?

- Yes?
- Aristotle.

Are you sure?
Would you be willing
to stake your life on it?

I think so.
What about his life?
I don't know.
Well, I recommend
knowing before speaking.

The law leaves much room
for interpretation...

but very little for self-doubt.
And you were right.
