Legally Blonde

Maiden name--Taylor.
You know her?
She's a Delta Nu!
She wasn't in my pledge class.
She graduated
four years before me.

But I used to take her class
at the Los Angeles Sports Club.

She's amazing!
Amazing? How?
She can make you lose
three pounds in one class.

She's completely gifted.
In all likelihood,
she's completely guilty.

She was seen standing over
her husband's dead body.

By who?
His 26-year-old daughter
and the pool boy.

Sorry, I'm late.
Excuse me.

This is Emmett Richmond,
another associate...

top three in his class...
and former editor of
"Harvard Law Review."

You've probably seen him...
lurking around campus
doing my research.

Thanks for the introduction.
What about the murder weapon?
The gun is missing.
The coroner said
he'd been dead 30 minutes...

when the cops arrived.
Giving Brooke
plenty of time to stash it.

I just don't think
Brooke could have done this.

Exercise gives you endorphins.
Endorphins make you happy.
Happy people
don't shoot their husbands.

They just don't.
I didn't do it.
I walked in...
I saw my husband
lying on the floor...

I bent down to check his heart,
screamed my head off...

then Enrique and Chutney
ran inside.

Your step-daughter
and the pool boy came in...

where they saw you
standing over the body...

covered in his blood.
Why would I kill my husband?
Insurance, a love affair,
pure unadulterated hatred.

The D.A. will come up
with plenty of reasons.

I loved him.
He was 34 years older
than you.

That doesn't
look so good to a jury.

Then show them
a picture of his dick.

That might clear
a few things up.

Brooke, I believe you...
but a jury
is going to want an alibi.

I can't give you that...
and if you put me
on the stand, I'll lie.
