I've got a package.
He's got a package.
How you doing today?
Take it easy.
See you later.
That's great, Paulette.
Is this the only interaction
you two have ever had?
No. Sometimes I say
"OK" instead of "fine."
Why don't you offer him
a cold beverage...
or a neck massage
or something?
What's the point?
Trust me, Paulette.
You have all the equipment...
you just need
to read the manual.
Do you know what I'm saying?
I'll show you
a little maneuver...
my mother taught me
in junior high.
In my experience,
it has a 98% success rate...
of getting a man's attention...
and when used appropriately...
it has an 83% rate of return
on a dinner invitation.
It's called "the bend and snap."
Watch this.
"Oh! I think I dropped
something on the floor."
So you bend...and snap!
Come on. You try it.
Bend...and snap!
a little less bend,
a little more snap.
Like this?
Good snap.
Come on.
You! Come on, you can do it.
Bend...and snap.
Very, very good.
We can all do it!