I transferred you from
the accounting department...
to the hit man department,
what, twoyears ago.
Yes. So?
So in that time, how many people
doyou thinkyou've actually killed?
- Technically?
- Sure, technically.
- I don't know.
- I'll tell you: none.
Rien. Nada. Nothin'. Zilch.
In twoyears, you haven't
doled out so much as a black eye.
Frankly, I'm disappointed.
I expected more from an American.
Senator Dove.
What about him? He's dead.
Senator Dove
died ofa heart attack.
He had a heart attackwhile I was hiding
in his closet waiting to kill him.
- Not a true rub.
- Areyou saying I'm yellow?
I'm not sayin' you're any color.
I'm sayin' maybeyour heart isn't in it.
Maybeyou should get back to accounting
whereyou don't have to kill people.
I can kill people
as good as the next guy.
Aye, Danny, care to favor us with
one ofyour beautiful songs today?
I haven't sang in twoyears.
Come on, Patrick. You know our Danny
hasn't sang since Mary broke his heart.
Ah, yes, the Mary incident.
Oh, Dannyboy
Could we please forget
about the Mary incident?
Jesus. Don't bite
the head offus.
We wasjust sayin' you could be
one ofthe great singers ofour time.
All the great singers are Italian:
Frank, Dino, Tony--
That'sjustyour opinion.
It's also my opinion you should shut
your gob! All great singers are Italian.
-Just like the mobsters.
- You watch it, Tommy.
I'm Patrick.
I'm sorry.
You watch it, Patrick.
- What did I do?
- Notyou, Patrick!
Ifthe Irish can't sing,
then what about Bing Crosby?
Oh, forget Bing Crosby. The man
talked his way through every song.