- What aboutJohn McCormick?
- Yeah.
Our Danny can sing
as good as him.
Sure. He should be
up on the stage singing.
Yeah, I'm not a singer.
I'm a hit man.
And I'm gonna kill Dick Rasmusson.
- I'll implement my new plan tomorrow.
- What's that?
I'm gonna get to him
through his girlfriend.
Oh, whoop-dee-do.
Seems like quite a plan.
- You're not pressing charges, areyou?
- What a coincidence.
You and your boyfriend...
ran into me at Target.
Ex-boyfriend, actually.
- Ex-boyfriend?
- Yeah.
Things reallyweren't
working out verywell.
You are Colleen Gibson, right?
- Yes.
- The artist?
I'm Daniel Gallagher.
I'm an art dealer.
I just thought I'd stop by
and take a look at some ofyour stuff.
- Oh.
- Can we go toyour studio?
I don't have a studio.
Doyou paint
down in your basement?
Well, yes,
but we can't go down there.
Why not?
Just 'cause it's messy
and there's rats.
But I'll tell you what.
I have other paintings in the garage
ifyou'd like to see those.
Welcome to the
Colleen Gibson collection.
This is nice.