So, I call this one Red.
I see.
This is Green.
Makes sense.
Let me guess. Blue.
Yes. How'd you know?
A lucky guess.
You have a very distinctive style.
Well, yes, but...
as you can see, I'm sort of...
running low on ideas.
Yeah? Why don'tyou buy
a 64-box ofCrayolas?
I know art, and these are--
Well, they're pretty great.
They're truly neat.
And they're great.
They're really great.
Blue is my favorite one.
Mine too.
There's a lot ofblue in there.
Guess I kind ofdid it
in my blue period.
You know, like Picasso
had a blue period.
You know, I love his stufftoo.
Well, how much
doyou want for this one?
I don't know.
I've never sold a painting.
Two hundred dollars.
Sounds about right.
- I have one more thing to askyou.
- What's that?
- Out.
- Out?
Out. I wanna askyou out, seeing
as your boyfriend is an ''ex'' and all.
Well, it'sjust that...
you know, the breakup
is still so new.
I'm just sort of
getting used to it.
Well, you have two hours
to get used to it.