- Hello?
- You over him yet?
- Is this Daniel Gallagher, art dealer?
- Youknowit.
I'll be there in an hour.
- Found some murdering devices.
- Gotta go.
That's nice.
Always have the best stuff.
Not for long, though.
Okay, now...
everybody's gotta be real quiet
while I drive.
Just wanna say that this is your
first legit rub, and I'm proud ofyou.
Go get him.
Wait a minute.
You got any last requests, Pee Wee?
You want a cigarette or somethin'?
I've always liked the wayyou sang
''When Irish Eyes Are Smiling.''
Come on.
- I don't sing anymore.
- Come on, man!
You gotta do it!
Come on, Danny!
Hello? I just asked you.
That's what I want.
It's part ofthejob!
You wanna be a murderer now!
This once, okay?
When Irish eyesaresmiling
Sureit's likeamorn in spring
In theliltofIrishlaughter
When Irishheartsarehappy
All the worldseemsbrightandgay