- See that target down there?
- Yeah.
- Showyou how it's done.
- Okay.
That's not that bad.
- Wanna try?
- Oh, no.
Not really, no.
Haveyou ever fired
a gun before?
- Not really, no.
- It's simple.
Youjust aim and shoot,
that's all.
- Kind oflike hair spray.
- Yeah.
Here. Give it a try.
Go on.
Thereyou go.
Where'd you learn
to shoot like that?
I don't know.
Shooting targets sure can work up
an appetite. You know what I could eat?
- What?
- A big red, bloody steak.
I can probably arrange that.
So tell me more about Dick.
- Where is he?
- No, not Dick.
I don't even want
to think about him.
I'm just curious, that's all.
Like, where areyou sending his mail?
Why doyou ask
so many questions about Dick?
What areyou,
a cop or something?
I'm the opposite ofa cop.
An art dealer's
the opposite ofa cop?
No, I wasjust curious...