Well, let's hope nothing
that drastic has to happen.
Oh, boy.
Oh, man.
Here we go.
In Banbridge Town
in the CountyDown
Onemorning lastJuly
From aboreengreen
You're good!
You're really, really good!
You shouldn't be an art dealer.
You should be a professional singer.
- That's really sweet ofyou to say.
- I'm not being sweet.
I mean it.
It's never gonna happen,
but thanks.
Never say never.
So I told you
one ofmy secrets.
Nowyou have to tell me one of
your secrets thatyou don't have.
Well, here's one.
I think I'm falling foryou.
I have another secret.
It's a little harder than
the ''I'm falling foryou'' variety.
What is it?
I know this looks really bad.
That's Dick. He's--
- Wereyou gonna say dead?
- Yeah.
I'm just gonna tell you
the whole truth, okay?
I killed him.
But it was in self-defense.
Well, I guess self-defense
really isn't the proper term...