but it was--
it was an accident.
Soyoujust pointed the gun
at him and bang, right?
Well, it wasn't that simple.
That's really--
That's amazing.
It's amazing.
Wow, what a coincidence.
Why doyou say
it's a coincidence?
You and Dick, you know?
And you killing Dick.
When you put it like that,
you make it sound so mean.
Well, hey, listen.
Dickwas a grade-A asshole,
- I guess you're right.
- Ofcourse.
Colleen, this is--
This is really great, but...
maybe not right here.
''Dearest Colleen,
sorry to leave so early...
but I had some business
to take care of.
I will be back soon. Daniel.
PS I took Dickwith me.''
Ilook up
Yoursmile fills
myheart with glee
Nowevena foolcansee
I'm overcomebylove
Andthere isnothing
I willeverholdabove