Life Without Dick

You seem to have developed a nose
for this kind ofbusiness.

I need you, Danny.
I'm not gonna take no for an answer.

Ayear ago,
what was your big dream?

What does this have to do--
You wanted to be a great Irish singer.
Here's the deal.

You make five hits for me, and
I will install you, as the headliner...

at the Shillelagh Room.
Shillelagh Room.
- I don't wanna be a singer.
- Ofcourseyou want to be a singer.

When I said,
''the Shillelagh Room''...

a wee light went on in your eye
I haven't seen in quite some time.

You want to sing.
Okay, okay, I wanna sing.
Ofcourseyou do.
So make the hits and get the gig.

What ifI don't?
Then I'll have to kill you.
- Whereyou been?
- I dumped him.

- Yeah, Dick.
- Where?

Don't worry.
Nobody's gonna find him.

That is the nicest thing
anyone's ever done for me.

You know,
I never meant to kill him.

But he reallywas ajerk.
He was a liar.
You'd never lie to me, right?
No, I neverwould.
What am I gonna do about Dick?
