Life Without Dick

You have to believe in yourself,
'cause I believe in you...

and I don't want to be wrong.
Now that that's settled,
let's get some brunch.

- I can't.
- Why not?

'Cause I have to get rid
ofthe murderweapon.

Hey, cuz.
How did I know I'd find you drinking
in the middle ofthe afternoon?

I don't know, cuz.
I guess you're one
ofthose clairvoyants, huh?

Hey, how's the hit man
business doing?

Would you keep
yourvoice down, please?

Look, I got a favor to askyou.
''Mr. Fancy Pants'' has to ask
old ''Mr. Down And Out'' for a favor.

- This ought to be rich.
- Shut up.

A gun.
And to think those damn nuns
wouldn't letyou out ofseventh grade.

That's hilarious.
Wait a second.

Don't tell meyou finally
went and killed somebody.

Look, I need you
to ditch this for me, okay?

Why don'tyou ditch it?
You're the hit man.

I just sell sinks
for a living, remember?

Don't kid yourself, Rex.
You assist a man who sells sinks.

I can't ditch it 'cause
I have a lot to do today.

Why don'tyou have one of
your Mafia friends ditch it foryou?

How many times do I have
to tell you we're not the Mafia?

We're Irish.
Okay, okay. Take it easy.
Look, I don't want to get
involved with any ofthis crap.

Maybe this will alleviate
some ofyour fears.

Two hundred dollars?
