Just spill your guts
about Pee Wee Greelitch.
I don't understand.
Pee Wee was beaten to death
byyour painting.
Perhaps you could shed some light
on this interesting scenario.
- Painting was blue.
- Real blue.
I sold that painting.
I sold it a long time ago
at an art fair.
- Now we're getting somewhere.
- To whom?
I don't remember.
Ifthere's one thing I hate,
it's a poor memory.
He was a large man.
- With brown hair?
- Yes.
- Brown eyes?
- I believe, yes.
Perfectly round head?
- Yes, it was a spherical-shaped head.
- Damn!
- That's Pee Wee all right.
- You described him to a tee.
Sorry to disturbyou, ma'am.
I guess our hunch was wrong.
That's all right.
All right, ifthat's it--
Good night.
You were great.
You handled those cops like a real pro.
You really led them
down the wrong path.
I don't supposeyou can tell me why
the painting I sold you yesterday...
ended up in the head
ofsome dead thug.
I sold that painting at my gallery.
- Where is your gallery?
- It's down by all the other galleries.
- I want to go.
- Now?
- Yeah, I want to go now.
- It's closed.
- But I assumeyou have a key.
- Yes.
I have a key.
- You're not a gallery owner, areyou?
- I don't want to makeyou mad.
You have ajob that's
gonna make me mad?
We have to go somewhere private.
Then I'll tell you.
We're in my house.
How much more privacy doyou need?