It's useful in court.
Are you wearing eye makeup?
Take it off.
If I just walk out
the door right now...
who's gonna be here tonight
for the follow-through?
Have a nice flight.
What did you say?
Dad said it first.
I get chocolate cake
for your birthday.
Are your hands clean?
He's a fuckin' freak.
Dude, nice look.
I saw your dad this morning.
Josh, what do you say?
ls he in?
Been thinking
about the job, man?
Forget him.
Two hours a week
for three hundred cash.
The whole summer.
Do the math.
He's not gonna do it, Josh.
Guess he doesn't have it in him.
They consider this a hatchback
or a station wagon?
Let's get outta here, dude.
Think about it.
I'll be around.
Dude, I was in total REM.
Benson Kitter Architecture.
Can I help you?
Yes, sir.
Done? Close to done?
-I'm doing the grass.
-Fuck the grass.