I could be anyone.
Then why do you stay you?
You should lock your door.
Ring the bell before
you try the door.
Did Sam call to tell you
he won't be over this weekend?
Why did you let him
pierce his chin?
What kind of a mother
can't stand her own son?
I don't know.
Why aren't you coming
for the weekend?
What is he doing? George?
-George, what are you doing?
-He doesn't answer.
He never answers.
Why does he have
a lock on his door?
Because he put a lock on it.
Do you really think I told him
he could put a hole in his face?
Just climb up there and tell him
what he can and can't do.
Take him for the summer, OK?
Whip him into shape.
Make him smile!
Let him hate you for a while.
You need all the brain cells
you've got.
Go away!