I've got every part of it ready.
It's like a jigsaw puzzle.
Only pieces now waiting
to make sense.
Been through design review...
the planning commission,
city council.
No one's really said...
that four months
is all you have, have they?
Nobody's even pretended
to offer treatment.
So you tell me,
when would you start...
eating red meat?
Can you build a house
in four months?
I can die trying.
Good for you.
I've not been touched in years.
No, I mean, not a friend?
Your mother?
People have to be touched.
Everyone gets touched
by somebody they love.
I know.
It's weird, isn't it?
I know my son,
when he was younger...
ten or eleven even,
he used to run up...
and throw his arms around me.