Life as a House

I don't even like
turkey sandwiches.

What's this pizza?
Sam's favorite.
Sure you don't want any?
George, you're too thin--
from what you used to be anyway.
Why the first and the last?
The first because I wasn't sure
you really loved me...

and the last because I wasn't
sure I really loved you.

I was up on that roof
this morning tearing it down...

and it struck me,
strong as anything ever has--

I'm happy today.
What were you before today?
I don't know what it was--
the way the sun struck the ocean
or the sound of the waves.

It was simple, whatever it was.
Then I started thinking...
when the last time was
that I felt like this.

Do you remember?
Yeah, the one time
I remember for sure.

I was with Sam in the ocean...
saving him from the waves.
He had his head on my shoulder,
and we were laughing.

I could feel his heart
pounding against my chest.

I remember I kissed his hair.
This was before it was blue.
We have it on video.
It was when my parents were
down for his sixth birthday.

I remember that.
