I'd blame you.
I want you here.
Why don't you just go and
beg some money off of my dad...
so you can move
into someplace decent...
with a real kitchen
and a real bathroom?
I'd rather sell my nuts
to a castrati.
I don't beg.
And I don't take a shower
in the middle of the yard !
I can promise you
complete privacy.
No, you can't !
You can't promise me anything...
because you don't
have anything to promise.
You live in a garage, OK?
You don't have cable.
You're not hooked up
for the internet...
because you don't even
own a computer.
And you don't have a job.
Just try it.
That's all I'm asking.
Come on, Sam.
I'm begging, OK?
Go fuck yourself.
Is Alyssa home?
She went out with a friend.
I didn't recognize you.
Alyssa said you two don't even
have plumbing over there.
Not a shower.
Come on.
I hope your ex-husband's
equipped for the havoc of Sam...
because it seems absolutely
blissful here tonight.
There you go.