Sam, did you hear
Josh got arrested?
His parents took his car.
They're making him
ride a bike all summer.
Is this like a pastime
with people? Go away.
Look, I've seen lots of people.
It's not a big thing for me.
OK, could you hand me a towel?
I'm getting out.
I'm coming in.
I don't want you to.
Why are you so uptight?
I'm not.
I don't even know
what that means.
Look, it just means
I'm gonna shampoo my hair...
and stay out of your way.
Hand me a towel.
You don't have to stay.
I thought you'd be
up with the sun.
It's my stupid back.
What can I do, anything?
Run to the pharmacy?
I have some Demerol at home.