I thought we were helping.
Is Alyssa home?
No, she went out
with some friends.
What friends did she go with?
I don't know.
You can come in and wait,
if you'd like.
OK. Thanks, Mrs. Beck.
Can I get you
something to drink, Josh?
-No, but thanks anyway.
-Alyssa may be a while.
You sure you don't want
Got a beer?
A beer?
What happened?
Nothing is going on with us,
is it?
Going on?
When I picked you up
from the train...
what you said--what was that?
What did I say?
-You know.
The thing about me being
the most beautiful person.
-What was that?
-That was the truth.
You've never said that before.
I might say a lot of things
I've never said before.
Sounded like a pickup line.
-I can't pick you up.
-'Cause I'm married.
You bit my finger.
If I weren't married...
Should we do this?
I need to know.
Do I still love you?