Life as a House

You look like shit lately,
you know?

You're looking better than ever.
I don't think Mom cares
that much that Peter left.

She seemed upset.
What's wrong with your back?
Do you have to have
surgery on it or what?

Because those pills that you're
taking are for a lot of pain.

And you seem to be going through
them pretty quick, that's all.

You're not still taking any,
are you?

No. But I count them.
In a sock isn't exactly new,
you know.

I'm having a problem
with cancer.

I don't know what that means.
What kind of a problem?
The kind where
there isn't any answer.

I still don't know
what it means.

Sam, I wanted us to...oh, God.
You know,
spend a few months together.

Sometimes things happen
for a reason.

Something bad
to force something good.
