Paulie, Paulie...
I think our Paulie has just
spiked the punch
Shall we pretend we don't know?
With love.
I know you love that too.
But that wouldn't be very beautiful,
Before that day,
I never knew what people meant when they say
they have fun.
I was like some kind of
Dr. Spock
And what is this? Fun?
I don't know.
It was like she kind of put a spell on me.
that feeling I had,
Just kind of vanished.
Hey, new girl.
What do you think of Vaughny?
Don't call her a 'new girl',
It's so rude.
Mrs. Vaughn, she's nice.
Some of girls say rude things about her.
She and Bannet,
they got a going on for sure.
Pauline, give her a rest.
She's just a single lady,
and they are very good friends,
and that's it.
Don't be so mean.