Lost and Delirious

And there is nothing left remarkable
beneath the visiting Moon.
I think I know that.
Yes, oh yes. Eventually we all do.
You see what this is all about is love.

Mad, passionate love
that crosses all boundaries.
And that's why we still
relate to it today.

Who among us has not
felt passion?

Now, there are some
who would say

that love is not moulded, tied,
social construct, if you would.
What do you girls think?
When my father left my
mother for his girlfriend,

has said it was love.
But it was ovbious to
everyone that it was

well, sex.
I think love is sex.
I think it's like projection. Like a
mirage in the desert.

You see what you want to see
in the person, you know

No. It's a chemical
induced by your body

so that you want to make babies.
It's money.
Lier, lier
Lier, lier, lier
You've all got your heads
off your assholes,

because love is.
It just is and nothing you can say to make it go away,
because, it is the point
of why we are here.

It is the highest point
and once you are up there

looking down at everyone else
peer there forever.

Beacuse if you move, right?
You fall.

You fall.
Yes Paulie.
I think you may be right.
Listen, Mary,
