Lovely & Amazing

Don't you think I hav e
too much make-up on?

No, you look great.

could you
open up your jacket?

Just, you know,
pull it open.

That's it.
Put your arm back
where it was.

Giv e us
a nice look.

Does this
s eem strange to you?

No, it's high fashion.
It's sophisticated.

It's totally hot.
But my dress--
I feel sort of...

I thought you said
you liked this designer.

I do.
I'm just not sure.

I just don't feel
quite like mys elf.

Who does?
- Got your bathing suit?
- Yep.

- Your book?
- Yep.

Got your jacket?
Mc Whitie
or Winky Fresh?

Winky Fresh.
EXcus e me--
do you know if
the buy er's here today?

What can I help you with?
I was wondering if the store
might be interested

in thes e things
that I made.

- Let's s ee.
- Okay.

This one has
a bird in a nest.
