No, she's not e v en
going to get it.
She said
your hair looked bad?
Like Phyllis Diller.
Was she jealous?
Are you kidding?
My sister's jealous
of e v erything.
H e y baby,
how's it healing?
You make $200,000
a y ear?
- Sometimes.
- Wow! God !
You could get
a personal trainer.
- I like running with you.
- Aw, still.
I tried to s ell my chairs
the other day.
Nobody wanted them.
What a drag.
What does Bill say?
Oh, he thinks the y're
an enormous waste of time.
H e stepped on one
once by accident.
- If you can be freelance, do it.
- Yeah.
I worked so hard last y ear,
I hardly saw Jessie.
She spent almost
e v ery weekend with her dad.
- Was he into it?
- H e's crazy about her.
When we
were growing up
I saw my father
maybe twice a y ear.
and he liv ed
like 1 0 blocks away.
Jessie's lucky.
Did your mom
e v er remarry?
Oh no, unfortunately.
She hasn't been with anybody
in a really long time.
I think she's pretty lonely.
- How did you get this?
- I had a mole remov ed.
I s ee.
We're gonna do
a little here.
I don't want to do you
with the wrong pen.
- You're gonna draw on me?
- I'm gonna draw on you.
- We're gonna do a little here.
- That tickles.
This is the hard part.
Just look forward, okay?
You'll hav e a chance to look at
my arts and crafts in a minute.
Then we'll do
a little on this side
so that
you're not lopsided.
Then we do
a bigger chunk
right here in front
with a happy face on it.
I really should
eXercis e more.
- ( chuckles )
- It's not lack of eXercis e.
It's loss of elasticity.
Mother Nature.
You can eXpe ct to los e a little
weight through skin loss alone.