Lovely & Amazing

Maddy: Mom.
- What?
- come read with me.

come watch H ickory Dog.
- H i.
- H i.

How was work?
Where's Maddy?
Reading in her room.
come sit with me.

- What are you watching?
- H ickory Dog.

We hav en't had s eX
in so long.

It hasn't been
that long.

Yes it has.
Donna says, how often
do you guys hav e s eX?

I'm too embarrass ed
to tell her the truth.

Why does Donna want to know
how often we hav e s eX?

Just talking.
So you want to hav e s eX
so that you could hav e
a good answer for Donna?

Why do you hav e to be
such a prick?

I don't understand.
Are you saying

that you want to hav e s eX
with me, that you miss it?

Or are you accusing me
of something?

Be caus e that's what
it feels like.

How could you?
- I don't understand.
- Paul: Is that him?

Do you think he's s eXy?
H e's a movie star,
e v eryone thinks he's s eXy.

I think he's repellent.
So does my agent.
Don't tickle.

- I'm not.
- That tickles.

( sighs )
My meeting with him
is on Thursday.

I hav e no idea
what I'm gonna wear.

- It doesn't matter what you wear.
- Of cours e it matters.

I hav e to be s eXy.
