Why don't
I need sun-s creen?
'caus e your skin can't burn,
it's already brown.
It's so incredible
what your mother did.
She must be a saint.
She did it for hers elf.
She was lonely.
it's so much work.
I don't know anyone who would
adopt a kid at that age.
She sav ed that girl's life.
She does do a lot for her.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Maddy: Look, Mommy,
look at me.
That's nice, hone y.
That's good.
That's so good.
Is she all right?
She's playing.
She can hold her breath
a long time.
Yeah, she just
wants our attention.
Annie !
Stop it.
That's not funny.
You made us nervous.
It was definitely the hardest thing
I'v e e v er done.
But I felt like I really
accomplished something.
I asked for the epidural
when I wasn't e v en dilated.
I didn't mind the pain.
I felt like a different person
when it was ov er.
If I could tolerate that,
I could tolerate anything.
- Donna: You made it.
- H e y, guys.
- H i, sweetie.
- H i, Daddy.
I had no idea your brav e wife
did natural childbirth.
- She's phobic about medication.
- Donna: ( laughs )
That's not why.
The y s ell wrapping paper
already made, you know?
This is handmade
wrapping paper.
Let's go visit Mom.
She's still in re cov ery.
We'll go later.
I want to be there
first thing.
We hav e to wait
for Bill to get back.
Where is he?
H e went to help Donna
get a stereo.