- I want to go now.
- No, later.
You're not the boss of me.
I am too,
when Mom's not here.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
( phone rings )
H ello.
Oh, hi.
Is she out y et?
H i, Mama.
Is it ov er?
- How do you feel?
- Naus eous.
I hurt so much.
I ne v er should hav e done this.
How are we doing,
I might throw up.
It hurts too much.
You're gonna
feel better soon.
We're gonna hav e to keep
your mom here a couple of days.
Be caus e she's naus eous?
She needs IV fluids
for the dehydration
which resulted from fluid shifts
that occurred during the surgery.
It's not uncommon.
I did--
I'm happy to tell you--
remov e 1 0 pounds
of fat.
I think you'll be
v ery pleas ed.
You're welcome.
I thought it was suppos ed
to be outpatient.
Suppos edly,
it's not that big a deal.
Lots of patients
hav e to stay ov er.
It sucks be caus e Mom said
the nurs es don't want
to pay attention to her be caus e
she had cosmetic surgery.
H er doctor's gorgeous.
Mom's lying there
and you're looking at her doctor?
It's not like I can't do
two things at once.
There's no still.
Thank you.
This food
looks disgusting.
I think it looks good.
That's so weird.
H e should be home by now.
I know, y eah...
Don't worry,
I'm sure e v erything is fine.
H e probably just went
to do some errands.
I'm sure
he'll be home soon.
That's awful
about your mom.