Lovely & Amazing

I think if Jessie and Maddy
weren't so clos e

I wouldn't hang out
with her as much.

Did she buy
an eXpensiv e stereo?

Where'd you go after
you dropped her off?

Had to wash the car.
I'm really worried
about Mom.

I'm sure
she'll be fine.

How do you know?
I don't.
I guess it's just
what you say.

Bill: Oops !
Why don't you just fucking stick
a knife in my back?

It was an accident.
- This is the s e cond time.
- It was on the floor.

I was working on it.
I'm sorry.
I'm distracted.

I had a horrible day at work.
I'm really sorry.

Why, what happened
at work?

Arturo basically
stole my commission again.

You should tell that guy
to fuck off.

I can't.
Why not?
H e takes adv antage of you.

You don't understand.
What don't I understand?
You don't stick up for yours elf.

that's not the priority.

- What's more important than that?
- Keeping my job.

- You're the manager.
- And Arturo is the boss' nephew.

You can't just run around
telling people to fuck off.

Oh y eah?
Fuck off.
You'v e got a lot of nerv e
telling me how to act at work

when you hav en't had a job
since I met you.

You were suppos e to contribute
once Maddy went to s chool.

I'm trying
to s ell my art, Bill.

Fuck your art!
You stepped on this
on purpos e.

( gasps )
