Didn't he go out with Rosie campbell?
She's not pretty.
I hav e to work.
You don't hav e a lot
of s ympathy for me.
Since I chos e
this profession,
I shouldn't feel bad when
I get reje cted?
This is so boring.
it's not personal.
Maybe you should
date an actor or something.
Someone who goes through
the same things as you.
You don't want
to s ee me anymore?
I don't think
I can giv e you what you want.
What is it that
you think I want?
You want a girlfriend.
Someone you can talk
about your upper arms with.
That's so mean.
( sighs )
- What happened to your hair?
- Do you like it?
- Lorraine: It's cute, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Did you do this?
- H er mother said it was okay.
No way she said it was okay.
She's eight.
- Don't look at me.
- Who am I suppos e to look at?
- You were taking care of her.
- She said it was okay.
I trusted her.
Pull it in--
and then out
and then press in.
H e y, Splooge !
Splooge !
The pictures ready y et?
You probably splooged
all ov er them, didn't you?
You like the one
of Jennifer topless, don't you?
Was that before
or after her boob job?