I feel like I'm doing
a v ery bad thing.
I'v e had
a drink before.
When you hav e
as many zits as I do
you're entitled to get hammered
once in a while.
You don't hav e
that many zits.
I bet you had no zits
when you were in high s chool.
You're right.
I had an eXcellent compleXion.
And I bet
you were popular.
I was the Home coming Queen.
( chuckles )
Fuck you,
you're kidding, right?
cool, I'm out
with the Home coming Queen.
Where do you get
your dogs?
Sometimes I'll find one
that someone's abandoned.
Or the pound'll call me
if the y hav e one that needs a home.
That kind of thing.
You must hav e
a tremendous amount
of pet hair
on your furniture.
Promis e me,
ne v er get a boob job.
Is that advice?
A compliment?
Just promis e me.
Why would you care?
Be caus e
you're an original.
An original what--
- An original beauty.
- I am not.
You are.
H e y, I could be your own
personal lint roller.
Ouch !
- Ouch !
- Michelle: What?
Oh !
- This is gorgeous.
- Thanks.