Yvan, Georges...
We met. Ata friend of Sandrine's.
How long?
Since March.
I would have liked to be the dad.
I saw your wife's movie.
- Like it?
-Yeah, great.
Could I ask a question?
Does it bother you
being with an actress?
What's your wife do?
Dentist. Thank God.
- Doesn't it bother you?
-She doesn't sleep around.
Like mine does?
Well, that's her job.
No, that's whore.
No fucking around. I'm intrigued
by your being with an actress.
Is he stupid?
-Should've married you.
What intrigues you?
You don't mind her
kissing guys in films?
Sleeping with them?
They do lots of takes.
-You needling me?
- I'm intrigued.
He's intrigued.
It's not real.
What's not real?
It's make-believe. It's movies.
I'm not an idiot. I see movies.
When they kiss, they kiss.
Tongues and all.
We've known each other 2 minutes.
I don't want to bother you,
but really.
when a guy gets shot...
You're intrigued, I'll explain.
He's got a gun. You think it's real,
but there are no bullets.
It's a make-believe shooting,
phony blood.
But the guy doesn't die.
It's a movie.
I'm not a retard.
Two guys shooting is not kissing.
Guys kissing is disgusting.
I mean a guy and a girl.
That's different.
Real mouths, real tongue.
That's not guns.
Last night even I got hard.
Imagine the actor!