Ma femme est une actrice

Of course. How'd you like it
If I did girls all day?

-Wriggling around?
-What is it? Are you nuts?

Just call me a whore!
What's the difference?
The difference?
When you kiss a guy in a film...
:23:29 don't really kiss him.
Don't give me that.
You physically kiss him.
It's real.
Know what? You're right.
When I kiss in a movie, I kiss.
I give it all I have.

Think that's easy?
Hey, pay me to kiss girls.
It's hard!
You don't choose the actor.
You don't always feel like it
when you act.

I said when you act..
Wait, let me finish.
You shoot a love scene at 8 AM
and the guy has garbage breath,
you have to act in love.

"Oh, my love!"
And he's got diaper breath!
Ever think of that?
Then you regret you're an actress.
Maybe I don't want to kiss that guy
at 8 AM
If that's your problem.

-Who do you want at 8 AM?
- I'm not talking to you!

Who do you want to kiss? Me?
So kiss me.
You kiss me.
What if it's De Niro?
Then I love my job,
even at 8 AM.

