You have a thing for him?
I don't know.
What does that mean?
I don't know.
You slept with him?
You slept with him?
Tell me the truth. Did you?
No. That all you're interested in?
I like gardening,
but right now this is it!
I didn't. Ask me again.
I didn't sleep with him.
Then what?
It's late. I have an early call.
It's late?
I just sleep and find out tomorrow
If I still have a wife?!
Yvan, I don't know.
What don't you know?
We haven't been good lately.
You're too jealous.
I love you.
You're going with him?
You want to go with him?
You're in love with that asshole?!
You put it in my head.
With paranoia and questions,
It's like you wanted it.
Where are you going?