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"Ma femme est une actrice" torrent
– yönlendirildi göre Yvan Attal
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Ma femme est une actrice
Ma Femme est une Actrice (english name 'My Wife is an Actress') is a French Romantic Comedy/Drama film starring real life couple Yvan Attal and Charlotte Gainsbourg as a journalist who becomes obessively jealous when his actress wife gets a part in a movie and starts an affair with her co-star. The 2001 film is directed by Yvan Attal, who also takes the writing credits. The film stars Terence Stamp among others.
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Ma femme est une actrice
:00:00 25.000
:01:40 Paris, nüfus iki milyon yüz
yirmi sekiz bin iki yüz altý.
:01:43 Bunun bir milyon yüz elli
üç bin yedi yüz ikisi kadýn.
:01:50 Bu da bir erkek için 1 ,4 kadýna
tekabül ediyor. Fena deðil.
:01:56 Ama bu New York'daki oranlamanýn
yanýnda komik kalýyor.
:01:59 Bir erkek baþýna 5,2 kadýn düþüyor.