No, I didn't listen
to the messages.
I don't want to know.
Yes, an orphan at last.
Yes, it's my chance
to start again.
No, I'm leaving Paris
without a trace.
I wake up
with a belly of cement.
Yes, it's been like that
ever since that place.
Very heavy, yes.
No, not even the bike.
But I'll find
my speeding smile again.
The morgue tracked me down,
but I'm not calling them back.
I'm off to the coast tomorrow...
and I'm leaving you
all my books.
And Lise, too.
She's a great girl. I really
love her, and she loves me.
She already lights her fags
like me.
She must owe nothing
to anyone, anyone!
I'm leaving her, and
I don't know how to tell her.
You call her, Thomas,
and take care of her.