That's good.
You can move in here.
Anna will make up your bed.
-This is Jean's son, Anna.
She's half asleep.
Have you changed clothes?
Alex will need a bed
for a few days.
It's bloody hot.
Let's go out for some air.
Haven't you noticed
anything new?
You've changed the seat covers?
And the mats.
It cost me a fortune.
I'm very pleased with it.
Hans is very vain.
Now, to business.
We have only two weeks.
Jean said you're as quick
with your hands as him.
Have you heard of STBO?
-Don't you read the papers?
STBO is a new disease. Syndrome
of...something or other.
I can't remember.
-It's killed thousands.
-And it's only beginning.
It attacks lovers
who make love without feeling.
The younger you are,
the higher the risk.
It's enough if one partner
makes love without love...
for both to be infected.
-Right, Hans?